The Annual Elector's Meeting for 2021 will be held on the 28th June 2022, in the Council Chambers, Prinsep Street Norseman, commencing at 5:30pm.
Shire of Dundas Annual Report (47.90 MB)
Unconfirmed Minutes -Annual General Electors Meeting 28. 06.22 (168.37 KB) Confirmed Minutes_Annual-General-Electors-Meeting-(28th-June-2022) (1.46 MB)
Unconfirmed Minutes -Annual General Electors Meeting 28. 06.22 (168.37 KB)
Confirmed Minutes_Annual-General-Electors-Meeting-(28th-June-2022) (1.46 MB)
Electors General Meeting 2020 - 21 Agenda (179.99 KB)